





Our Teaching Philosophy

Why is it important to learn music? Famous Hungarian composer and violinist Zoltán Kodály once said, “Real art is one of the most powerful forces in the rise of mankind, and he who renders it accessible to as many people as possible is a benefactor of humanity”.

Music is an expressive art form transcending cultural, religious and language differences. As a skill it is lifelong, shaping the temperament of a child early in life and becoming a uniquely individual form of expression for each person. It is not unusual to find children who learn music also gain a sense of discipline, an ease of expression and a self-awareness not seen in those who do not. Further, as alluded to by Kodály, humans have an innate complex emotional response to music from childhood. When our students pick up the violin and draw their bow across strings for the first time, making sound, music, expression, one of our priorities is to ensure the pure joy and wonder they experience in the beginning remain throughout their training.

Music impacts young minds in several ways that should not be underestimated. A child performing the violin has not merely learned to play notes- she would have devoted hours of persistent attention to shaping sounds, all the while learning coordination of bow and fingering. She would have sharpened her motor and musical memory, and learnt to express her unique personality, creativity and imagination without speaking a word. In chamber music, the skills of teamwork and timing further come into play. In performance, the poise and confidence that can only be learnt on the stage while playing to strangers become second nature.  Music pedagogy in the FanStudios involves the training of each of these qualities. As teachers, we emphasize emotion, motion, and expression in the child learning the violin.

Over the past five decades, while we have experienced much joy as professional violinists performing all over the world, it is our pedagogy work that continues to give us deep satisfaction. We have had the privilege of guiding our students as they take their first uncertain step into music lessons, and eventually maturing over time to become deeply sensitive and confident award-winning performers in their own right.  Our students have become music professionals, teachers and solo and/or chamber performers, passing the craft on to the next generation. Our greatest joy lies in the achievements of our students.   

As teachers, our biggest challenge is to recognize that every child has a unique personality. We strive to seek and apply the best teaching approach that may interweave perfectly with a particular child’s temperament, with the goal of maximizing their motivation and dedication to the violin. As parents of daughters who perform to this day, we hold fast to an unchanging teaching philosophy- that is, each child deserves not just a music instructor, but a musical ‘parent’ who recognizes their potential and guides them towards a lifetime of musical fulfillment in any form or shape. Music is but our chosen instrument in our life’s work of nurturing and shaping the next generation.   

With over 250 students in the past 40 years, FanStudios is proud to nurture some of our generation's best musical talents. Our students are encouraged to participate in national and international competitions, as well as music festivals and concerts around the world. 

Music Festivals |古典音乐节

Academie Internationale de Musique de Flaine

Kirishima International Music Festival

Chautauqua Institution, New York

Kiwanis Music Festival of Toronto

Music competitions |音乐比赛

Singapore National Piano and Violin competitions

Chautauqua International music competition

Lions Club Music Festival and competition

Yips Music Festival and competition